Welcome to Knox Photographic Society

Membership Information is available here

The KPS Shop is only visible if you are logged in either as a Member or a Guest.

KPS is committed to providing as safe an environment as we can for members and guests.
Any KPS gathering at Dillbadin Primary School (formerly Boronia West Primary School) will be run under any rules as mandated by Dillbadin PS and/or The Department of Education and Training Victoria or the State Government, applicable at the time.
To that end, the committee has decided that we prefer all attendees at any KPS meeting or gathering to be fully vaccinated against Covid-19.
We are aware that some people may have a medical or legal exemption from vaccination which is fine, but if you do not have such an exemption but choose to not be vaccinated, then you will not be welcome at KPS. 
We respect your right to not vaccinate just as we would expect you to respect our right to protect the health and wellbeing of our members, our friends and our families.
If you choose to not be vaccinated, please do the right thing by the rest of society and stay away. 

Details of meetings, evaluations and events are in the calendar.

If you are not a member but would like to visit, please get in touch using the Contact link above.

Knox Photographic Society is a friendly and active photography club based at Boronia in Melbourne's eastern suburbs at the foot of the Dandenongs.

We normally meet at Dillbadin Primary School (formerly Boronia West Primary School) on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Wednesdays of the month from February to November. We also occasionally hold our meetings via Zoom so please check the calendar or newsletter for details. We welcome visitors as potential members.

We are happy for visitors to attend for a few weeks to fully appreciate the range of topics and activities we undertake. 

Among other things, we run monthly image assessments, practical workshops and regularly have guest speakers on many different photography related subjects.

We also conduct field trips, exhibitions and may run various photographic and image editing courses and offer mentors for all sorts of things photographic.

We also run the Tuesday Walk, on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of most months which usually consists of a walk, a chat, coffee and possibly photography.

We also have an active private MEMBERS ONLY Facebook group for member interaction. 




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